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We live in a world where top Iranian officials hate us. A North Korean leader wants to bomb us. The Chinese Communists seek to exploit us. Vladimir Putin needs to destroy us. America is strong enough to withstand the first three dangers, but we are ignoring Putin’s plan to damage us from within.

He will use any means to divide America so that we will not interfere with his plan to rebuild the Soviet Union by grabbing all of Ukraine like he invaded Georgia and Ukraine’s eastern provinces.

Before we continue with the European situation, Here’s background on another personal interest. I have carefully researched the information in this paragraph. Democrats are not hatched from monstrous Socialarius eggs. Republicans are not raised in Rocky Mountain caves by cannibalistic Meonlian dogs. It took awhile to verify but, Independents are not zombie followers of TikTok and Instagram. They are widely scattered so it hard to see them all.

Thanks to gocomics.com

In the middle of February there were American journalists and politicians who thought that Vladimir Putin was a smart and reasonable guy. These people had better sources of information about Russia than you and I will ever have. Even after Putin invaded Ukraine they trusted his word that Russia had no plans for war. These journalist and politicians showed how poor their judgement was and is. I will never believe them again. Either they are fools or liars.

Putin is showing us that the real danger to America is not loony leftists, righteous rightists or meandering middlers. Our real danger is putrid Putin and what he stands for. Thank God, most of the world recognizes Putin for what he is, a threat to the civilized and peace loving world.

I wonder if Putin was tempted by Satan to have dominion over the world?