*=> 230627 <=* Trumpism is fundamental

Trumplicans are constantly walking backward so they can better imagine their past. Maybe they dream of the 1950’s when American manufacturing ruled the world because of WWII. TVs were bought and cartoons filled Saturday mornings. Shows were about all American nuclear families with smiling kids and benevolent Moms and Dads. Forgetting homework or being caught puffing a smoke was a major family crisis. Nobody talked about hard drug addiction and marijuana was a joke about those type people. Dressing up for church was endured and movie theaters had air conditioning.

Thanks TV
TV admiring eyes
Thanks TV

Gangs fought each other using knives and chains and the Mafia had rules for shootings. Cars were readily available for youthful adventures. Ike had built the interstate highway system with family vacations in mind.  Smoking improved your social life. EZ Pop then Jiffy Pop popcorn were invented. Only bad girls got pregnant and venereal disease wasn’t in your neighborhood. Dad ruled the family and women were quiet. Good days to reimagine.

Most Trumplicans are afraid of the future and work to keep things as imagined.  Having no future, Trumplicans work to make history nicer, leaving bright memories for their children when America was more like me. So let’s Make America Great Again. Let’s ban books so our kids never learn to spell hypocrisy.

Time has only one direction, only made bloody by injuries trying to stop it with AR-15’s. Walking backwards into the future prevents seeing opportunities. Refighting the Civil War doesn’t help modern planning.

The weather is getting crazy with worse tornados, heat waves and flooding. Ten years ago the fuel industry billionaires said this won’t happen and the bought politicians agreed with them. The climate scientist said it would. Someone lied. Reminds me of the cigarette companies’ ads in the 1950’s that smoking’s not harmful. It’s those damned scientists causing problems again. They sure do lie a lot for very little money.

My definition of an American does NOT include race, income, ethnic background, geography, age, political affiliation, religion, sex or orientation.

An American is a person who believes in and follows our Constitution and treats others with respect, not love, or like or even a smile, but respect and courtesy.

An American citizen is someone here legally without a time restriction.

We live in a country not of our making but one where working together will make everyone’s life better. Keeping people out of our structure weakens the entire building of America.

“Do onto others as you would have others do onto you, no matter their or your situation.”

Thanks gocomics.com

At least for now, we stay protected from reality.

Thanks gocomics.com