*->220920<-* Genetically, are men closer to male chimps or women?

Here are three quick links to start the discussion:

Link #1

Link #2

A slightly different point of view but with more complete information plus a “TED” talk.

Link #3

This subject came up while we watched a science special on TV. It made us wonder which was more important, nature or nurture.

I admit that I’m male. Early in our marriage my wife informed me that I suffered from testosterone poisoning and no cure was possible short of surgery. We agreed to delay a decision pending events in the next few years. Thankfully a mutual desire for progeny eliminated this discussion topic.

Thanks to gocomics.com

Over the years I’ve learned some duties as head of household. I’ve read a great deal about women and their thought processes. I’m trying to make this knowledge available to other men who wish to do the same.

Thanks to quora.com

I tried educating my wife about her place in our relationship and used a well established source, but she objected saying it had a very biased point of view.

Thanks to gocomics.com

Over the years I learned to be more subtle, sometimes with success.

Thanks to gocomics.com

I endured several dangerous situations in the military. I’m well educated and have many years of job experience so I know something about the world. I happily share my knowledge with our grandkids and even some neighbor’s kids if they dare visit.

Thanks to gocomis.com

I always try to help out in the kitchen, but still haven’t learned much about cooking terminology and techniques.

I’m handy with tools and machinery and have often impressed fellow workers with my ability to solve problems both technical and personal, but as a husband there are situations that are beyond my abilities.

Thanks to quora.com

I’ve been happily married for many years. Even my wife remembers some good times. All in all I’m very content with married life. It’s just the rest of life that sometimes weighs me down so much that I just need to take a nap.