*=> 230425 <=* Try to pity Trumplicans

For they cannot win with Trump and they cannot win without him. GOP leaders chose to win at all costs, giving up their traditions, ethics and moral compass. They have made the monster that now controls them. If Republicans don’t support Trump they are forced out of the party. Bye bye Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney. Speaking truth to Trumplicans is dangerous.

If Republicans publicly support the Donald, the majority of Americans see them cooperating with a future felon indebted to Putin for Russian’s financial and web support. It is a situation of damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Years ago Republican’s guiding principles were anti-communism, maintaining a strong military and a smaller and less intrusive government.

Now their goal is to get non-Trumplicans angry using every possible means. This makes the Trumplican base happy, but it doesn’t win new votes. Trumplicans’s main ally used to be FOX NEWS broadcasting Donald’s big lie that the 2020 election was stolen. That policy put FOX in a costly financial position with $875,500,000 to be paid to Dominion Voting Systems for claiming that the voting software stole the election.

Thanks quora.com

Notice that FOX didn’t apologize because there is still much money to be made from Donald’s supporters. It’s best not to talk to the “cash cow” while she is being milked. Only in America are poor people sending money to billionaires. Ours is a land of opportunity not just for poor people.

If FOX didn’t settle in court then most FOX stars and owners must appear in court under oath to explain why they lied to their viewers and created a political climate leading to January 6th. This could be somewhat embarrassing and they would lose even more money to Dominion.

Dominion proved that FOX acted with malice in broadcasting false allegations or with “reckless disregard” for the truth. Volumes of internal emails and text messages showed FOX executives knew the accusations were untrue. All the evidence forced FOX to settle. Here is the story.

FOX continues to be sued for defamation by Smartmatic another voting machine manufacturer seeking over $2billion.

Thanks gocomics.com

“Smartmatic remains committed to clearing its name, recouping the significant damage done to the company in more than 50 countries, and holding Fox accountable for undermining democracy,” the statement from Smartmatic’s attorney, J. Erik Connolly, said.

Now the “Pillow Guy” Mike Lindell is being sued for $5,000,000, when he lost his bet with reality.

Trumplicans are tripping over their lies and landing face first in a dirty reality. I bet that hurts.

We do need to acknowledge that Trumplicans, FOX NEWS and the NRA have successfully established new religion.

Thanks quora.com

and their new greeting is becoming popular with its members.