*=> 230704 <=* Happy Birthday USA

Let’s have some birthday fun.

Even without parental encouragement, every kid should cultivate an inexpensive and satisfying hobby.

Thanks gocomics.com

Remember the days when Mom made something special for the whole family?

Thanks gocomis.com

Forget aliens. What do dogs think about this human pass time?

Thanks gocomics.com

A well worded ad can attract young people looking to expand their experience and resume.

Thanks gocomics.com

Nearly every wife shared the same dream before marriage. It must be some kind of biological thing.

Thanks gocomics.com

Being a parent you learn things that just are not covered in all the “How to books.” It’s possible to ruin a child’s entire life by cutting their pancakes the wrong way.

Safety tip–Be sure that brain is in gear before putting mouth into motion.

Thanks gocomics.com
Thanks gocomics.com

Always thinking of us, the grand kids gave us a nice plant for our anniversary. It seems to be growing well, but still no peppers.

Thanks quora.com

Please share a fun filled and safe day.