220606 Texas gunboy gets even

“The Texas gunman was able to legally buy an AR-style rifle and almost 400 rounds of ammunition with no training the very day after his 18th birthday.”

“But elected officials representing 118 million of their fellow citizens were able to defeat those chosen by 194 million. U.S. schools will surely continue to be transformed into bloody shooting ranges sticky with blood. That is the true American exceptionalism.”

“Since the Columbine High massacre in 1999, more than 311,000 children at 331 schools have been exposed to gun violence within their school.” Washington Post

“Guns surpassed motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of death for kids for the first time in 2020, the most recent year for which CDC data is available. That year, 4,368 Americans 19 and under were killed by guns, two-thirds of them homicide victims. About 30 % were suicides.”   Axios

The quotes above are from “The Week” I’m too sickened by Trumplican politician inaction to be creative. Aren’t there any Republicans left?