220511 Trump is working to steal your vote.

Thanks to gocomics.com

I have recently read so many books and articles and viewed so many interviews by former members of President Trump’s cabinet and staff that I’m now believing that Donald Trump was and is a threat to our democracy. There is instance after instance where he lied. As president he could get excellent advice from experts in any field, but instead he chose some guy to follow. What guy? I expect a president to use the best advice and he chose some guy? President Trump  denied that Covid was a problem so now close to 1,000,000 Americans have been killed by Covid. I don’t expect our president to be brilliant, but I do expect the president to be competent.

If he is so smart why does he keep his college grades secret? If he is so wealthy, why did he keep his tax records secret? If he has nothing to hide why is he fighting disclosure of his real estate dealings? Most of his wealth is guaranteed by Vladimir Putin through Germany’s Deutsche Bank? Why did he break the law by destroying his phone records of the January 6th attack on our free elections?

He said that the 2020 election was stolen by Democrats, but offers no evidence. Do you expect me to believe that there was a vast conspiracy by the Deep State involving thousands of government workers who entered government decades earlier, just so Trump would be defeated in 2020? Thousands of conspirators and not a single one leaked the plan? If you believe that theory, then please send me a sample of what you are smoking. It must be good stuff.

For almost seventy years Donald Trump has been able to bully, ignore or buy his way out of trouble. For the first time, his bib did not prevent him soiling his image as the triumphant prodigal son. This spoiled, unloved child must now face the reality of his defeat. Unfortunately, our democracy is suffering the consequences of his tantrum.

It seems that no matter if Donald Trump runs for president or not, there are many of his supporters who are ready to cheat voters out of their choice. The plan is to get Trumplicans elected to state legislatures and select Trumplicans to be election officials.

The plan “Independent state legislatures theory” that argues that state legislatures have the authority to decide which slate of electors to send to the Electoral College. So the legislature choses the electors not the voters. This idea was invented after Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. In the last election state officials and Vice President Pence refused to overturn the vote of the people and certified the election to keep our democracy.

Now Trumplicans are working to get their people elected to state legislatures and election boards and hoping to convince the Supreme Court that this method of overturning the voter’s selection is proper. Three justices seem to agree with this idea that voters should NOT determine who won an election.

For coming state and county elections, vote for Republicans or Democrats who will follow their oath to protect our Constitution and free elections. Working to get Trump supporters elected is a vote against our democracy.

Thanks to gocomics.com