*=> 230808 <=* Fun with $$ and numbers

Let’s have fun with money and numbers. Knowing that money makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around, let’s browse the web.

Money isn’t the root of all evil, it just pays the way.

I guess Donald Trump forgot to say thanks. He doesn’t use his own money to pay his lawyers. He just asks his fans for money and Trump’s followers pay his lawyers, thus far about $140,000,000 worth since 2015. Smart on his part. 

Ever wonder how much money our government has spent fighting illegal drug use. Would you guess about $1,000,000,000. That’s one trillion dollars.          

How much money would we save if the government stopped fighting and started taxing drugs?

We wouldn’t have 50,000 fewer Fentanyl deaths each year. Street gangs would lose their income and shootings would greatly decrease since no money was to be made. We would lose some tax revenue, as the gun industries lessened their billion dollar profits.

Luckily some of our Senators know who butters their bread. Did these NRA contributions cause Republican Senators to stop effective gun controls, especially the AR-15s in teenage hands?

Let’s hear it for $$$

Lets look at NRA funding for and against Republican and Democratic Senators.

Summary of pro-gun money given to Red Republicans and Blue Democrats

How many fentanyl deaths are there per state?  

Let’s stay safe out there and stop smoking.

Thanks quora.com

Remember our experiment with Prohibition in the 1920’s and 30’s, probably not. You weren’t around. Prohibition created good jobs for gangs and made the Thompson machine gun a useful business tool. Maybe Prohibition wasn’t created to stop drinking, but a jobs creation bill. It’s just like our current war on drugs. Maybe if we controlled drug distribution rather than trying to stop it, our society would be safer and healthier. Nah, that would be too logical and cheap. Besides our Puritan philosophy requires stopping drug use and encouraging eliminating gang members and unlucky people.

Thousands of Americans are killed each year in underride truck accidents when a car hits a trailer broadside or crash through the flimsy tail end bar slowing cars sliding under the trailer. Trucking companies prevent laws requiring safer trailer construction, because trailers costing an additional $400 would put them out of business.  That is what they say.   Here’s a TV video discussion.

Why is it that it’s poor people who commit most of the crimes involving guns? Maybe if they had a better education and healthy environment, they could become middle managers and steal money like white collar crooks do.       

I wonder which state has the highest number of criminal convictions for employees in local, state and federal governments for 10,000 employees?    

Our nation has and is going through some hard times, but our democracy is still here.

Thanks for staying with this site and our country.