*=> 230228 <=* Ponderous questions

Why do people believe things they know to be false? Why do most Russians say that the invasion of Ukraine is a fight against Fascism? Are both afraid to think?

Thanks gocomics.com

Why do so many followers of Christ hate queer and trans kids? Are parents afraid their kids will become homosexual or trans by reading books?

Think back to your youth. When did you decide to be a heterosexual? Can’t remember deciding? Maybe it wasn’t a choice. Maybe your sexuality happened before you could read.

Thanks quora.com

Why are strong, tough men afraid to live without having a loaded gun handy? If no gun is available for their suicide, then what will they do, get a hammer?

Why are workers afraid to join labor unions that would raise their wages? Are the laborers fearful of losing their independence and debt?

Thanks gocomics.com

Why is an unmarried, pregnant girl condemned for her loose morals, but a young man is a stud?

Americans have been justifiably suspicious of Russia for a hundred years. Since Trump was backed by Putin for a several hundred million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank, Trumplicans now say that Putin isn’t so bad and the Ukrainian invasion was understandable. Interesting.

If executives get bonuses, great but if underpaid employees get a raise that causes inflation?

Why do Trumplicans blame Democrats for urban gun violence, when Trumplican politicians keep writing looser and looser gun laws, allowing out of state gang bangers to buy their tools. Guns don’t kill people. People using guns kill people.

Here are the latest mass shootings.

If we always ask our kids the same question, “How was your day?” Why are we surprised when we get the same answer, “Fine.”

Thanks gocomics.com

Why do we look down on poor people, when society forcing most of them to stay poor?

Having prayer in public schools brings up an interesting question.

Thanks quora.com

Being a parent is the most costly, scary and intellectually stimulating activity I’ve ever done.

Thanks gocomics.com