*=> 230725 <=* “Moms for Liberty” (MOMS)

Over the decades I’ve learned to be suspicious of cutesy named organizations fighting for: liberty, freedom or rights. I ask myself who would benefit if they succeed, them or us? Almost always it’s them, getting the power to tell the rest of us what we may do.

Thanks gocomics.com

They want the freedom to ban books, they usually have not even seen, because hidden money tells them what books are bad. Bad for whom? Maybe the books expose the truth about the big money people who want to ban books.

Thanks TheWeek.com

Don’t teach that slavery was the right of one person to own another. Don’t talk about selling a slave’s child and destroying families. Don’t mention that whipping occurred when the master thought a slave was getting uppity. Definitely don’t discuss the branding of slaves with red hot irons to ensure their ownership.

Thanks gocomics.com

For a group that is demanding liberty, it sure seems that banning, preventing and suppressing is the opposite of liberty. Is my English not so good?

Thanks gocomics.com

In 2021, Moms for Liberty (MOMS) was created in Florida using funding from the far right moneyed folks and supported by Governor DeSantis. They call themselves the “joyful warriors”, another cutesy title. Here is an introductory video about MOMS.

Thanks gocomics.com

“Gov.  Ron DeSantis, a graduate of Yale and Harvard, doesn’t want young people to read about issues that make them feel bad. If books don’t teach people inconvenient truths and make them hunger for change, they’re not reading the right ones. To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn sensitize us to racism and document our painful past. Understanding how America has treated African Americans, Japanese Americans, and Indigenous people illustrates our past faults and the path to what our future should be.” Yahoo News

Thanks quora.com

If we don’t want our kids to feel bad then we should stop discussing infections, shooting, divorce. Kids will fear touching things. Stop first aid training and what to do if someone is bleeding. Definitely stop telling kids about the communists who killed millions of Cambodians. We wouldn’t what them to know about dangers in life.

Moms for Liberty are afraid to talk to their children about reality and sex because the only things that MOMS know is, NO. They can’t prepare their kids for the real world because MOMS can’t answer kid’s questions. Rather than building up their kid’s immunity by exposing them to uncomfortable ideas, MOMS make kids more vulnerable because they remain naïve.

MOMS opposed kid vaccinations. “That would expose them to disease!!!” Yes, and they would be protected. Ignorance is never a protection from anything.

MOMS claim that teacher unions are grooming kids to become trans or gay. With all the responsibilities that grade school teachers have, how do they have the energy for these additional duties? This is a weird society when we under pay teachers and make billionaires of cigarette and oil company execs. Many parents don’t want to discuss issues with their kids because the parents have opinions, but the kids have facts. MOMS fear their kids knowing and learning from other kids.

Thanks quora.com

Most American parents are willing to talk with their children about new topics and have the information for productive discussions. MOMS are deliberately ignorant and want to stay that way. Intelligent people want to learn as much as possible about something they fear, to be better able to protect themselves. For MOMS that is too much effort.

Thanks quora.com

Ignorance is never a protection from anything.