*=> 221025 <=* Who is Donald J. Trump

He doesn’t seem particularly religious, holding a Bible upside down. Most of his admirers don’t particularly care what he believes.

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Trump working with Mitch McConnell got the US Supreme Court filled with “conservative, originalist judges”, at least two of whom lied when they said the “Roe vs Wade” was established law and would not be overturned. These future Supreme Court nominees lied under oath in order to be selected.

He admires strong men dictators like China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, even saying in February that the invasion of Ukraine was a brilliant move.

He hires only the best people, but needed to pardon Steve Bannon, sentenced to prison for four months, Mr. Levandowski for stealing trade secrets from Google, Mr. Manafort for multimillion dollar fraud scheme, Roger Stone, Jr. for seven felony charges and threatening a witness whose testimony would have exposed those lies and Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. about his conversations with a Russian diplomat.

Here is a list of names and their crimes.

Donald Trump is very consistent when dealing with troubling questions. First, he denies knowing about it, then he lies about his involvement and finally attacks the people questioning him.

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The reporter, Maggie Haberman has known Trump for many years and has written a book describing his character and methods, “Confidence Man.” Her book doesn’t attack Trump, but explains him as a man needing constant attention and praise.

He claims to represent working families as he sits on his well-publicized gold toilet. He claims to be highly educated, but will not release his school records. He claims to be a multi-billionaire, but wouldn’t release his taxes, unlike every other modern presidential candidate. He says he uses his own money to fund his 2020 election law suits, but requests that working families send him money otherwise America is doomed.

Trump fills his followers with fear by spreading false theories through social media. He attacks anyone Democrat or Republican who might oppose him.

Which theory did you like best? Pizzagate, “where high level Democrats had sex with children and drank their blood in the basement of a pizza restaurant or how about “Democrats are out to destroy our country.” That makes as much sense and someone deciding to burn their house down. Don’t forget QAnon the super secret spy working in the “deep state.” QAnon has so much super secret information, but it can only hint at it because it is so super secret. Please present one verifiable fact and I might start to believe you.

Here is a list of Trump’s conspiracy theories designed to scare his followers.

He claims that the 2020 election was rigged by local election officials. These are the same old folk election officials who have manned your polling place for years. They are your neighbors, church members and cub scout leaders, Republican and Democrat and now they are people you must hate because they did their jobs honestly? Really?

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President Trump and FOX News coordinated their claim that Dominion Voting machines were programed to take votes from Trump and give them to Biden! Here is why that claim is false.

Dominion machines use a touch screen system where voters select each candidate. Then you see a review screen of your votes to check. When OK, your print your paper ballot, read it and hand carry it to the scanner which scans the results and deposits your paper ballot into a locked box for safe keeping and any recounts.

BUT what if the scanner is rigged to switch votes?

How do you verify that the votes were properly counted?

That is why there is a paper ballot that can be rescanned by another refereed scanner AND can be counted by hand! The paper ballot is the key for verifying your vote. You can’t hack paper. Recounts were made in many states with Arizona being the most publicized. Biden beat Trump in every recount. So where is the fraud?

Dominion is suing FOX News and Donald Trump for lying about their machines and voting systems. FOX and Trump are trying to destroy trust in our elections which are the basis for our democracy. FOX is doing it to have more people watch. Trump is doing it because he refuses to publicly admit that he lost his election and democracy be damned.

Thanks to uuhystericalsociety.com

FOX News and Trumplican politicians started spreading deadly information against COVID vaccines and in Ohio and Florida this was the result. Correcting for age, Republican deaths were 76% higher than Democrats. The big gap opened ONLY AFTER vaccines became widely available. The Trumplicans deliberately caused tens of thousands of deaths for political purposes. “TheWeek, October 21, 2022”

Thanks to gocomics.com