*-> 220913 <-* DIRT will decide this election

We’re not talking about the political spying that always goes on about opponents. You know the usual stuff found by mucking around in a sewer to find dirt that you can hold up for the TV camera.

We’re looking at Democrats, Independents, Republicans and Trumplicans (DIRT). The soil from which flowers, fruit, weeds and poison ivy spring forth every 2 or 4 years. This November’s election will decide whether a Russian style or American type of state will exist here in the near future.

Thanks gocomics.com

Trumplicans voters are zombies who don’t want to know and just follow Donald Trump like he was heaven sent to save America. Trumplican politicians preach that the 2020 election was stolen so elect me because I’ve been endorsed. Trumplicans voters want Trump to run for president, even if he is indicted and convicted for a crime. These voters are not followers, they are worshipers of a self-proclaimed prophet to whom they donate millions.

Trumplicans refuse to testify under oath, because lying under oath is a criminal offense.

Thanks to quora.com

Republicans who followed Presidents Reagan and the Bushes are part of the election officials who ensured that the 2020 election was accurate and free of fraud. The majority of the government officials who testified before the January 6th Committee are Republican. These brave citizens testified UNDER OATH about Trump’s attempt to suppress the legitimate election results. Most of them have been threatened with violence because they kept their oath to protect America’s Constitution. Republicans and Democrats will always disagree about policies, but they are united in defense of our non-violent political traditions and determined to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic.

Independents are always a wildcard because they get their news from several sources and continue to think for themselves. They refuse to be bound by other’s definition of who they are. They are not trusted by Democrats or Republicans because they are not bound by habit and political affiliation. In some states they are not allowed to vote in primary elections without declaring to be Republican or Democrat. Little wonder that both parties fear them. Independents should vote for the best Dem, Rep or Independent on the ballot.

Thanks to quora.com

Democrats tend to think of policies that benefit the middle or lower income families. Democrats want affordable childcare centers so mothers can reenter the work force and reduce our worker shortage. Dems also favor limited time immigrant visas for the same reason. Reduce the cost of medications so people have more money for buying goods and services. Do you know that Big Pharma spends much more money on advertising than on research. Just count the number of TV drug ads in a night.

Defunding the police is an idea promoted by those left wingnuts. Dems would want to end “No Knock” warrants where police burst into a home with guns drawn. Both people in the home and police are endangered when sleeping people are startled awake by screaming police.

Democrats trust women to make decisions about their own bodies and families. Trumplicans don’t trust women and treat them like three-year-old kids. Trumplicans are always fearful of people who think for example, most teachers and librarians. Knowledge is power and Trumplicans want to keep people ignorant to keep their power.

I’ve heard that both the Republicans and Democrats are thieves taking from average citizens with the Republicans giving a lot of tax breaks to a few rich people and Democrats giving a little money to many poor people.

Thanks to gocomics.com