*=> 230509 <=* GOP and corporations

The devolution of the GOP and how corporations became human

During the “WE LIKE IKE” era (1953 to 1961), the Grand Old Party (GOP) stood for something: #1 a smaller government, #2 a strong military and alliances to protect democracy and #3 support for science and technology to improved our economy and improve our health. Science did the basic research to understand how nature worked. Technology applied that knowledge to develop new products like seat belts, cell phones and GPS systems.

President Eisenhower with bipartisan support, improved our infrastructure with the interstate highway system that increased commerce and strengthened our defense system. He warned us about the “Military Industrial Complex” of corporations that were beginning to dictate federal policies not just in military matters.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

The Supreme Court ruled that corporations have human rights and like people, they have the right to contribute millions to politicians just like the rest of us. The Judge Robert’s court decided that PACs, Political Action Committees may give money to politicians as long as there was no record of the deal. Unfortunately for our democracy this was dark money, meaning we don’t know who is paying the politicians. It’s a good thing that this process is not called bribery because that’s a crime.

So banking regulations were loosened over the years allowing banks to speculate in new “products” to make money. Many bank executives decided to loan their depositor’s money to people without jobs or any collateral and make a nice commission. The banking system acted like selfish 2 year olds were happy until a bad case of reality hit. The banking crises of 2008 shattered the national banking system and could have resulted in our auto industry collapsing. The coordination of the FDIC, Federal Reserve, several super banks and the Obama administration prevented another 1930’s style depression. Banking corporations couldn’t regulate themselves. There was too much money to be made.

The fossil fuel industry enjoys pumping and digging money from the earth.
Many of their scientists recognized that the climate was changing and knew the major cause was burning oil and especially coal. The purpose of a corporation is to make money and they did. They lobbied Congress to keep that flow going by slowing the growth of solar panels, wind turbines and anything else that limited their profits.

We are seeing the results of their schemes. Like uncertain weather? We got it, droughts, wild fires, cloud bursts overwhelming our sewer systems. Throw in some tornados.

When you put more heat into a pot of water you can see it getting agitated. Add more heat and it starts bubbling. Add still more heat and the pot boils over. Right now the climate is agitated. If we continue burning our future, we can scald the world.

Corporations are not evil. They exist to make money. It is our job to ensure that their pursuit of money doesn’t turn into an evil. Elect politicians who aren’t elected through corporation and PAC money.

This is why public funding of political campaigns is necessary cost, allowing politicians to concentrate on getting things accomplished. For now the pursuit of money is their job. Luckily for them it is not called bribery.