220704 Highland shootings near you?

Putin is a sly FOX! He is hiding in the shadows, but his agents are working to damage America.

For July 4th, Highland Park, IL is leading with 6 dead and 24 injuried.

Check your local area for mass shootings.


Let’s add the Topp’s grocery shooter in Buffulo, NY, a white 18 year old who hates those people.

Did I forget the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde TX? He didn’t like girls who refused him.

Over the years I’ve learned that the more you know about a subject the more complicated things get. This is why many people listen to only one radio or TV station. Thinking can get tiring and causes questions. Other cult member don’t like questioners. It makes them nervous.

You can tell members of a political cult from their conversations

“Did you hear what that asshole said last night? I had to shut the fucking TV off.”

“Yea, that dumb bastard doesn’t know shit and is killing this country.”

“How those fuckers got elected don’t make sense.”

Notice how they don’t have specific details or facts, but plenty of cussing cause it quiets the thinking.

Here’s some info for you older folks.