220427 Are you tired of being anxious?

I think at least 50% of Americans are exhausted by the yelling between the left wingnuts and righteous patriots. We are tired of hearing that our country is about to be destroyed when they take over through insurrection, coup or ballot. We’re tired of Congress members doing nothing constructive, just inventing new insults or secret words known by only their in crowd.

Here’s how we just might be able to improve our lives by getting over our addiction to political news about them. This will be difficult to do because we are addicts driven by the same feeling that keep junkies on meth or opioids. We don’t enjoy the high anymore, but we can’t stand the pain of quitting.

Have you heard about soldiers who need the rush from being in combat? They know that they may die, but living without the adrenaline high makes them extremely anxious. They need the feel of being around the action. They are addicted to the high and without it what is the use of living?

Thanks to gocomics.com

If you would like to get off of this Fast Fear Express and sleep better at night try the following.

Stop watching MSNBC, FOX News, CNN and Newsmax for three straight days.

Don’t open Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other injectors of fear for three straight days. Let your friends and relatives know that you are taking a break, so they don’t panic.

Put MUSIC on your radio. It doesn’t matter if it’s Country, Blues, Hip Hop, Classical or static.

Don’t read emails from any political source like fund raisers or friends updating you with the latest threat to our society.

If you can’t go cold turkey with news updates then chose something boring like NBC, ABC or CBS. If your system can take the stress try the boringer PBS or boringest BBC.

VERY BORING Thanks to quora

If you can do this for three days your stress level will come way down. You might even reduce beer, wine, whisky and joint consumption and save money for a well-deserved vacation. You don’t need to quit forever, just realize that info consumption can be additive if you use the strongest brands.

Thanks to gocomics.com