*=> 230502 <=* FOX presents, Trumplicanna

Trumplicanna started to be built many years ago. It was a place where every question was easily understood. “If you have one drop of that blood, you were Black. If you were Black you were dangerous, by definition. If you were dangerous, you made us scared and if you made us scared that was because you were Black.” In Trumplicanna, facts were a block to clear thinking and should be avoided. It was the eggheads who complicated everything with their Critical Thinking and mind numbing evidence.

Trumplicanna made redlines to keep Blacks away from civilized, righteous folks and that worked really well for many years, but then those people stepped out of line and forgot how to say, “Yes, Sir and no Ma’am.”

This new attitude thing must have been caused by young people picking up college words like knowledge, empathy and rational. This is why college education is a danger for society and our way of living. All that intellect stuff just makes simple problems complicated. Did you know that most science is taught in college and science is the worst kind of thing to know about. Science makes everything difficult. Let’s stay with useful things like cell phones and GPS that don’t need science to work.

Trumplican politicians individually may be cowards, but as a group they know how to bully.

Trumplicans preached mostly against gay men, because the idea of playing with two lesbians was a fantasy for male studs.  That was fun until most Americans knew some gays and found them to be just human beings. Besides in a real fight the gays were in better shape and could beat the shit out of us.

Looking for a softer minority to bully, Trumplicans started telling women what they may and may not do. Women were acting like vaginas and uteri weren’t a public responsibility. They wanted to keep them private. That ain’t a woman’s job so laws needed to be passed letting women know that those parts aren’t private.

Next thing you know some men are carrying signs just like the girls. Then things got totally out of hand and in our red states, where we couldn’t stop them, they voted to allow abortions. Blue states like California and Vermont we expected to side with evil, but even Michigan went against us. Kansas, Montana and Kentucky rebelled against our fine judgements. Trumplican polls saw the tide was going against us so we needed to find an easier group to dominate.

Lord be praised,  Trumplican politicians found a major threat just going through the LGBT letters, the “Trans” community. Now here was a group, Trumplicans could beat. Trans were way less than 1% of the population AND mostly kids. Except for whiny parents, suicidal kids and some liberal groups, Trans were a perfect group to attack to show how tough we were.

So the major threats to society weren’t disease, shootings or poverty. Trumplican politicians discovered the real enemies, first Blacks who were too numerous and deliberately stayed black.  Next gay men but they were to well built. Ok, try women then, oops they threatened us with signs and even votes. Worse, men joined them with even more votes.

The Trumplican politicians now have Trans kids in their sights and kids can’t own guns, but Trumplicans have over 13,000,000 AR-15’s available for the fight. That’s why if we want things to stay the same, we should keep our current Trumplicans in office. We definitely need to stand our ground when threatened by someone who looks funny.