*=> 230606 <=* Gun violence and kid’s trauma

Trumplicans don’t give a damn about any kids, theirs, mine or our grandkids. If they did, they wouldn’t be passing laws allowing anyone to buy a gun and carry it around. Trumplicans only fear for themselves, not neighbors, teachers or the police. It’s all about “MY” rights so I’m ready for the “Boogaloo. That was the nice description.

Here’s one of their descriptions of “The Boogaloo.

People who only talk about their second amendment rights haven’t read our Constitution’s beginning.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility (stop violence), provide for the common defence (not just for gun owners), promote the general (the majority) Welfare , and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity (our children), do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Thanks, The Week.com

Boogaloo Boi say they carry weapons to rallies to protect themselves, but if they didn’t invite themselves to a dangerous rally. They wouldn’t need protection. I know, a crazy idea isn’t it.

How about we all carry a glass jug of gasoline to a rally for increasing fire safety in our town just to remind people that gasoline could be dangerous, so keep away from people with glass jugs.

Whenever a gun is introduced into a situation, tensions increase. The more guns involved, the greater the anxiety.

For example if a policeman walks up to any crowd and unclips his holster, the people gets nervous. If that gun is pulled out, but not pointed at anyone, concealed carriers will do the same, to be ready.

Since it’s July 4th, just for fun, a kid throws a firecracker. Now let’s add a few Boogaloo Boi to protect against violence and let the fun begin. It all began when a holster was unsnapped to reseat a pistol. If your mind is primed and ready, all it takes is a few tenths of a second to shoot or die.

Now let’s change that policeman into a legal concealed carry person. Did that gun make the situation safer? Does that person care about our society or just himself? Just asking.

We always train the next generation for our own future. So how is the training going?

Not too well, unless you’re a manufacturer of anxiety medications.

Thanks gocomics.com

Got time? Here is a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Pediatrics.

“Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens (ages 1 to 19) in the United States. Every year, 19,000 children and teens are shot and killed or wounded and approximately 3 million are exposed to gun violence.”

Thanks, quora.com

That is not a good way to enjoy a peaceful life, but hey, that’s our choice. I think we still elect our law makers.

What more info on our children, check this report.

Stay up to date with the American gun violence archive of 4 or more killed or wounded per incident.