220329 Guns sales and kids

Many of us are victims. Do you have thousands tied up in “assault type” weapons? I’m talking AR-15s and AK-47s semis. Perfectly legal, even with a 30 round magazine in most places. Maybe you’ve got more specialized models, but why?

It makes more sense to have a couple good firearms for your home and family, but unless you have well trained toes, how can you fire them or maybe you’re good with two hands just like in the movies?

But, what if one jams? If you don’t know where to buy good rounds and clear your weapon you aren’t competent to own one.

Who is making the big bucks by selling so many and specialized weapons? The NRA? No. They convince people that they need more after every election, media publicized shooting or rise in covid cases. I checked and shooting covid viruses are not economically feasible. It’s the gun suppliers collecting the profits from the social media generated fears. And big profits they are.

There is a new sales pitch for kids that I find disgusting, although many will think it’s cute.

Am I totally screwed up thinking that a weapon is being marketed as cute? I buy reliable and accurate, not cute.  IT DOESN”T EVEN HAVE A SIGHT!    How do kids learn to hunt without a sight, just close their eyes and use rapid fire?

JR-15 is designed to have kids play soldier with a deadly weapon. It’s not for sportsmen. It’s downright Russian in its appeal for high volume, low accuracy.

This JR-15 is publicly pushing sales for kids and setting themselves up for a lawsuit.  Remington Firearms (Remarms) did a similar promotion for teenage boys. Remington paid out $73 million to families in the Sandy Hook grade school massacre in 2012. They also were required to publicize their internal marketing plans to immature, thrill seeking boys.

Thanks to gocomics.com

Forget all this Rambo crap, buy a good quality small caliber rifle with a sight and teach proper firearms procedures then practice in a safe area.

Here is a brief discussion of a 22.

Here is a video of a larger round hitting.