220413 Do Americans want free speech?

You have left wing college students protesting and sometimes preventing right leaning speakers appearing on their campus. Then you have state legislatures banning books in public schools and libraries. I thought smaller government was supposed to stay out of our lives.

Looks like both sides want to stop the free flow of information because they don’t like it. Maybe they really fear information because it might cause people to think, a scary thought. Thinking seriously interferes with high volume screaming. Isn’t that what our society is all about?

College students should be learning how to have rational public discussions. Shouting is for sporting events. The loudest voice doesn’t win an argument. It just demonstrates that you have good lungs. Jogging builds better lungs than shouting.

If parents can’t explain to their kids why a book’s theme is wrong, maybe they should have avoided the sex that created this situation. Oh, wait maybe that’s what the book is about. Now I understand, it’s that standard parent line, “Do as we say, not as we did.”

Speaking of talking to people, how about telling them what you think?

Thanks to gocomics.com