220803 latest Arizona and Kansas thoughts

Sorry for my delay, I was under a dark cloud, so my brain’s function was at a minimum, I think. I still needed to write a little about the Arizona primaries because they were so amusing.

If this were thirty years ago, some of these candidates who keep hearing conspiracies in their head would be wrapped in straight jackets for their and our safety. The US has advanced so much that now, we can vote them into office.

There were some interesting Republican primary races in Arizona. For governor you had Trump backed Kari Lake. Both were TV stars. Ms. Lake still dreams about her favorite restaurant, Pizza Gate with kids baked right into the crust. She’s another Trumplican , meaning a former Republican with no rational brain activity.

Her opponent was a good old fashioned conservative backed by Governor Ducey and Vice President Pence, both of whom have readily measurable brain activity.

Kansas voters exercised their constitutional rights when they voted yesterday to allow abortions, as was written in their state constitution. Trumplicans got the question put on the primary ballot and “The People” refused to allow the state legislators to ban abortions.

“Amendment X of our Bill of Rights

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. “

The people of Kansas by 60% showed they didn’t trust the Trumplican legislature to control women’s bodies, saying “Keep your hands to yourself.”

Is that still considered self abuse?