*=> 221018 <=* Trumplicans love guns more than your life.

Trumplicans blame Democrats for the violent crime occurring in cities. Why are so many guns available for armed robberies and gang shootings? Who is allowing this?

Who opposes background checks for gun purchases, Trumplicans.

Who opposes raising the age to buy an assault weapon from 18 to 21?

Who allows 30 round magazines so frequent reloading isn’t needed when firing?

Who allows straw gun buyers to purchase numerous guns in a loose state then sell the weapons     to urban gangs in a hard state, Trumplicans.

Who passes laws allowing concealed carry, making it more dangerous for our police?

Thanks quora.com

There are some Republicans who also want to make guns more available, even a few Democrats.

People wanting to relax guns laws usually live or represent rural areas where long guns have numerous uses: hunting, home protect and just having fun, plinking.

Urban hand guns are usually concealed and used for street protection and gang violence. City people want to limit the availability of guns on the street, because city kids are the victims. Most gang members are terrible shots and are just as likely to kill a bystander as the target of their attack.

Here’s a fun fact. Most gun deaths in America are through suicide. Guns are the handiest and surest method for killing yourself if you get depressed and they leave a memorable impression on walls and ceilings. Check for yourself.

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If you are a convicted felon and you need a gun for work, no problem, just order a GHOST gun and it arrives through the mail. There’s no fuss, no background check and the gun has no serial number so it can’t be traced. Make your own firearm in under 60 minutes. You could make it into a high school science project for your kid and surprise the teacher.

Learn about ghost guns here.

If you’re not handy with tools, just buy one for your kids.

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Trumplicans aren’t soft on crime, they encourage city violence then blame the mayors for all the urban violence. Trumplican like to make the victim the criminal. Currently, there is no mechanism to stop dangerous individuals or gun traffickers from obtaining these kits and building firearms, undermining the entire federal and state systems of gun regulation.

Every political party wants to ban ghost guns, except the Trumplicans. They could join Republicans and Democrats to stop ghost gun sales. But they don’t, WHY?

Several hundred thousand kids have witnessed gun violence in their schools.

Thanks to Thisweek.com
Thanks to quora.com

Let’s lighten up a bit.

Thanks to uuhystericalsociety.com

And a final question.

Thanks to uuhystericalsociety.com