*=> 230801 <=* Domestic Violence

Thanks quora.com

As Cher sang, “And the beat goes on and the beat goes on.”

Domestic violence is a topic like family drug addiction or mental illness. Nobody wants to talk about it. It is embarrassing and lets others know that your family is not perfect. OMG! Ignoring a problem probably will not solve it. The situation stays hidden and festers. Soon hiding the cancer becomes more important than finding a cure.

BUT there are ways to eliminate or reduce domestic violence that are available. Maybe your local community doesn’t have the services or you don’t trust them. The weight of fear can prevent movement towards a local solution. Is it fear of the abuser or is it fear of neighbors and relatives knowing? To stop the abuse, courage is necessary to change the situation. Fear of the unknown is also a heavy burden. When you see no end to the abuse, courage will crawl out from under the bed and provide the energy for a change for the better.

Abuse usually starts slowly with sharp words or heavy touching and pushing. As the abuser learns what you will endure, they become bolder and more violent until the bruising of your mind and body become obvious even to you.

Domestic abuse is a common problem.

Thanks National Domestic Violence Hotline
Thanks National Domestic Violence Hotline

If you worry that using the web is being watched by the abuser then start here. 

You can also get help by calling. Click here.

Most Good Old Boy states don’t believe that this violence exists or believe that a good Christian home must have a master. So many politicians spout off about family, loving values, but spouting is not the same as practicing being human and showing some compassion.

Thanks to gocomics.com

Would you like to find out how common abuse is in your state, click here.

Learn about types of abuse and how to help someone being abused.

Mayo Clinic is one of the most respected medical sites to visit for additional information.

STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS are meant to protect the victim in a serious crime. The laws allow someone to protect themselves from a violent assault rather than escaping by running away. Now that just ain’t how a good old boy acts in a crises. A real man shoots first then thinks about it.

It is interesting how Stand Your Ground Laws don’t apply to women being beat up by a man. If she is carrying then it is ok to shoot especially if she is white. Read the law.

What happens if the woman isn’t carrying and waits until she can get his gun? Well that is a totally different story. The law was written by men for men. If she delays her next beating by getting a gun–well that there, is murder. It doesn’t matter how many times she has been beaten already and the police know about the beatings. She didn’t play by men’s rules, so it’s murder. Here is an example.

A brave guy needs his AR-15 to feel like a man. It’s too bad that they don’t feel like a teacher. Yea that would be too wimpy and girly.

Thanks quora.com

Now ain’t that just like a woman to stop the fun.