*=> 230919 <=* Skilled trades are essential

When Obama was president he tried to increase federal funding for junior colleges and trade schools to increase the number of trades workers. Of course, the Republicans opposed giving money to help the lower or middle class. That was a real shame because now America desperately needs trades people. We are expanding our manufacturing sector and need experienced machinists. We have a housing shortage that requires carpenters, plumbers, electricians, bricklayers and cement workers and we don’t have them, why?

There has been a decades long push for everyone to get a college degree, which is nonsense. When your toilet is clogged who do you call an accountant? If you are tired of fuses blowing when the AC turns on, do you search for a statistician? The rat populations grows when the garbage truck misses your alley. No problem, I’ll drive it to the dump myself.

Not everyone can fix a car, replace a roof or drive a semi. Where are these people when we need them? We’ve looked down on people who know how to use their hands and backs which is pure stupid. These people keep our country functioning. Where do you think our food comes from the grocery store? Many of them get antsy just sitting in a college classroom. They want to do something. Most enjoy the challenge of solving or removing problems that most citizens don’t have the experience or tools to do and they are paid well for their skills. They make up most of the middle class AND they pay taxes. They start the many small businesses that make up our economy.

We are finally waking up to the realization that skilled hands are essential to keep this country running and growing. We pay a few athletes, CEOs and entertainers many millions per year, but decide that teaching our children costs too much. Which is more important, watching a good show or raising smart kids? You can’t change your mind in twenty years!

I know several highly intelligent people who get the most pleasure using their hands. Here is a web site listing salaries for some trades people.

Here is another site offering a test of your aptitude for different jobs. They also ask you to enroll in their services. 

If you would like a challenge and like digging into the weeds, check out this site.

Of course after many weeks of Trump indictments, we shouldn’t ignore the Donald and his good works.

“Most U.S. dog owners are now wary of vaccinating their pets for a host of conditions, including rabies. Some 53% of owners have concerns about the shot’s safety and efficacy, according to a new study, while 37% worry they could make their dogs autistic-an idea disproved in pooches and humans.” THE WEEK September 22, 2023. The vaccination lies continue to ooze from the media.

Lies travel faster then truth because they are not burdened with facts.

The Trumplicans would be happy with a government shutdown. It might cause more experienced federal employees to quit in disgust, thus decreasing the budget. Maybe the remaining House Republicans will act in the best interest of the nation and prevent a shutdown.

Jerad Kushner’s, Trump’s son-in-law, got a 2 billion dollar deal with Saudi Arabia.

No influence peddling there maybe.

Trumplicans are trying to impeach the newly elected Wisconsin Supreme Court judge Protasiewicz because she’s a Democrat and her name is too long.

Let’s ban books just like the Nazi’s, but to prevent pollution we’ll just keep them out of public libraries. Who says we aren’t thoughtful.    

Attacks on minorities like LGBTQ people increase because their flag includes too many colors.    

Donald Trump calls himself a tough guy, but he is always being picked on.


Trump leads having the most indictments of former presidents with 91, but it is easy to beat 0.

Gun manufacturers are making big bucks since the assault rifle ban expired when Republicans refused to extend it. They got monetary reminders from gun lobbyists.  See Guns 230808 for NRA “Donations” to Congress.

Thanks friend

Thanks quora.com

Thanks gocomics.com