*=>230207<=* How do brain drugs work?

I am not a physician or a drug researcher. What I’m doing is presenting general ideas about how drugs effect the brain. Our brains like pleasure (helps with survival and reproduction) and tries very hard to avoid pain (useful in avoiding death) whether it’s from a physical injury or anxiety or a need to feel “normal.”

Please look at the references because they do a more thorough job explaining how drugs work in the brain. They may save a life after an opioid overdose.

Drugs can be natural like caffeine in coffee or synthesized like fentanyl that is over 100 times more powerful than heroin. Metabolites are the small chemicals in our body that keep us alive like ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate) the compound that provides the chemical energy to make muscles work and powers reactions to make other metabolites. Fatty Acids (Lipids) store chemical energy for future use and sugar (Glucose) used for quick energy.

How drugs work.

Drugs mimic (look similar to) some metabolites that cause changes in how our brain works.

Caffeine is the most popular stimulant in the world. In limited amounts it makes you less sleepy and can improve concentration and physical performance as in 2 cups of coffee. Many people have a mild addiction to caffeine, but personally I avoid my spouse until she has had her coffee.

Marijuana is like a metabolite that has a mellowing effect, making the world seem ok. Some users develop paranoia. It is unclear if this is from the drug or from the laws making its use illegal. You get to choose your argument.

Opioid drugs are used to reduce pain and occasionally eliminate life by slowing then stopping breathing.

Here are opioid examples: Oxycodone (Oxycontin, Percocet), hydrocodone (Vicodine), oxymorphone (Opana), codeine, morphine (Kadian, Avinza), heroin and the most dangerous, Fentanyl.

Fentanyl is often added to other drugs to give more bang for the buck or as a cute surprise for a customer. Ethical drug dealers wouldn’t do this! I’ve never before written ethical and drug dealer together before.

Fentanyl locks into the brain opioid receptor. A receptor is a protein in a cell wall that when activated by a drug (agonist) causes the cell to react excessively thus producing euphoria (pleasure). Too much fentanyl kills by stopping breathing. After about 3 minutes the brain starts to die because it is not getting oxygen. After about 8 minutes without breathing the person is no more.

 Amazingly, the drug Narcan (Naloxone) will quickly reverse the opioid effects if given within a few minutes by spraying it into the nose. Most overdoses occur at home and witnessed by family and friends. Hate when that happens.

Here is how to use Narcan.

See several videos below on saving the person’s life. Depending on the state, Narcan may be free from drug stores or public health departments. It it’s not free the cost would be about $140 for two doses.

Here is how Narcan works

I hope that this post helps or saves someone.

And now for something completely different, maybe even a laugh

Thanks quora.com

Thanks quora.com

Thanks quora.com

Thanks gocomics.com